Glen Echo Lake was a very large part of the Phase II Sewer project and GEIA continues to follow developments with regard to the betterment fees, user/usage fees, and grinder pumps. The information presented below is what we currently know based on conversations with the Charlton Water/Sewer Commissioners. New information will be added as it becomes available. If you have specific questions, you may email GEIA or contact the Water/Sewer Commissioners directly at (508) 248-4953.
Betterment Fee
The betterment fee has been set at $8,200 per edu which may be paid up front or financed through a zero interest loan over 20 years. All Phase II sewer residents should have received a letter in the mail detailing payment options. If it was not returned by July 31, 2003, then it will automatically be a 20 year zero interest loan.
The betterment fee was originally estimated to be $6,500 per unit, which included the schools. However, it has been determined that municipal buildings are exempt from the betterment assessments.
User/Usage Fees
Original estimate for the usage fees was $300 per year. Current fees are based on the number of bedrooms in your house and average out to about $65 per bedroom. The following excerpt was taken from a letter written by the Sewer Commissioner's and dated May 1, 2002 explaing how the user fees are calculated:
"The user fee is computed by utilizing the Assessor's field cards (i.e., records of your property) and following the requirements set forth by the D.E.P. Chapter 5 sanitary code flow rates at $0.0065 per gallon. Homes are calculated per bedroom, offices calculated by square feet and restaurants are calculated by seating capacity."
GEIA has been pushing for the installation of water meters as we don't feel that charging per bedroom is fair and equitable (think of an empty nester working full time and being charged for four bedrooms). The Water/Sewer Commissioners do support the installation, but have not yet determined when we will be able to use meters nor how to set the metered rates. They expect to resolve this issue this year.
Grinder Pumps
Sewer users who were required to install grinder pumps were originally told that the Town would maintain the pumps at no cost to the homeowner. Now we are being told that the Town got permission to perform maintenance or repairs on the grinder pumps, but can pass the actual costs associated with those repairs or maintenance to the property owner. Please make sure you ask about the costs up front.
Glen Echo Lake Improvement Association, Inc. ©
Website Designed, Developed, and Maintained by Cutter Beck
SitemapPO Box 578, Charlton City, MA 01508
Background image taken by Conor Olmsted
All images provided by GEIA Members